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About Us

Business philosophy

Coperation culture


We emphasize the values and contributions.

Efficiency & achievements

We admire the high efficient and valued achievements.

We emphases the achievements not efforts.


We requires each of our staff have the sense of active working and innovation, which also be defined as benchmark of excellent employee.


We are all responsible for ourselves,our company and society to grantee the quality of our work and achieve the setted target, to develop the culture and value of our company.


We set high standards for each work to achieve challenged goal.


All of us should dedicate to our company by devoting to the business work to the society and company.


We should actively communicate and cooperate with  all interesting parties to enhance and develop business.


We do the business with honest and sincerity to safeguard the good company and personal image of Efan.

Prepared for changing

We are capable of forecasting the changing and taking advantage from it.Innovation is critical to our business developing, thus we must keep learning to make sure the improvement of our business.


We need to surpass ourselves for work and life to be excellent.

Coperation culture